Two wonderfully delicious loaves of crusty whole wheat bread made with goat's milk. Try this easy recipe brought to you from E. Carr, Nyssa, Oregon - Contest Winner Malhur County Fair.
Heat milk, water, honey and butter to 110-115°F. Place in a large mixing bowl and add yeast. Allow to cool and bubble (about 5 minutes).
Add egg, unbleached white flour, sea salt and whole wheat flour (1 cup at a time) to milk/yeast mixture, mixing thoroughly as you add flours.
Turn out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth and elastic (8-10 minutes).
Place dough in a oil bowl, turning to coat. Cover with plastic wrap or tightly woven towel and let rise in warm place until doubled in size.
Punch down, divide and shape into 2 loaves. Place in two (9" x 5" x 3") bread pans that have been lightly oiled. Cover and let rise again in warm place until doubled in size.
Preheat oven to 350°F and bake about 50 minutes or until well-browned. Remove from pans and cool on rack.