What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats?

What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats?

Eating foods rich in healthy fats is an essential part of a well-balanced diet. By choosing to incorporate more foods containing good fats in your meals, you can help your body remain healthy and begin feeling better than ever! Keep reading to discover more about the benefits of eating healthy fats, and learn how to include more of them into your diet.

What Is Healthy Fat?

Curious to know which kind of fat is the good kind? Review this quick guide below to determine which fats you should incorporate into your healthy diet.

The Good Fats

What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats? | Bob's Red Mill Blog

Monounsaturated Fats

Found in a variety of foods and oils, monounsaturated fat has been shown to help improve blood cholesterol levels. Which, in return, may reduce your risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Most monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and start to harden when they are chilled. These fats can be found in several plant-based foods like nuts, avocados and vegetable oil and eating them in moderation is beneficial for your health.

Polyunsaturated Fats

Like monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat is a healthy fat that is naturally found in plant-based and animal foods like walnuts, salmon and vegetable oil. Swapping saturated and trans fats for foods high in polyunsaturated fats can benefit your health in numerous ways.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you've spent time in the health and wellness industry, you may have heard of omega-3 fatty acids before. A type of polyunsaturated fat, they're recognized as being especially beneficial for heart health. So, where can you find omega-3s? These healthy fats can be found in several types of fatty fish and a variety of nuts and seeds. When determining where to get your omega-3s it's important to note that plant-derived omegas are not the same as fish-derived, and it is essential to get adequate amounts of both. Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, trout and tuna. Plant-based sources of this healthy fat include ground flaxseed, walnuts and chia seeds.

What Is Unhealthy Fat?

What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats? | Bob's Red Mill Blog Now that we've covered what healthy fats are and why they're so great for you, let's discuss two types of potentially harmful dietary fats.

The Bad Fats

When discussing nutrition, it is not always clear what we should or should not be eating to maintain a well-balanced diet, especially when it comes to fat. As a general rule, there are good fats (those we've touched on) and not-so-good fats (saturated and trans fats). To ensure that you're fueling your body with proper energy sources, we recommend replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats when possible and avoiding trans fats entirely. If you're interested in learning more about which fats you should avoid, continue reading for an overview of each.

Saturated fats

Saturated fat is a kind of fat often found in ghee, butter, lard, cheese and high-fat meats. A diet rich in saturated fats has been linked to raised levels of bad cholesterol and increased risk of disease. To truly live a healthy lifestyle, it is not enough to replace saturated fats with low-fat foods. Remember, just because a diet is low in fat doesn't mean it's good for you. There are several low-fat candies, sugary drinks, and refined foods that are just as bad for you as saturated fat. Instead of replacing saturated fats with processed foods, aim to replace them with wholesome, healthy foods like oily fish, vegetable oils and nuts.

Trans Fats

Trans fats often get a bad rap, and rightfully so. Trans fats are notoriously unhealthy fats that have been linked to many health issues. There are two types of trans fats that you should be aware of: natural trans fats and artificial trans fats. Naturally occurring trans fats can be found in various milk and meat products. Artificial trans fats are made from a lab-like process and added to liquids to make them more solid. Trans fats have been linked to increased bad cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, which can wreak havoc on your health.

What Are the Benefits of Healthy Fats?

Now that you have a better understanding of which fats you should consume and which you should steer clear of, it's essential that you learn the benefits of consuming healthy fats and why they're such a crucial part of a well-balanced diet. If you're following a diet focused on restricting calories, you may be considering lowering your fat intake to hit those goals. However, cutting all fat from your diet may keep you from reaching those goals sooner. While there are many benefits to consuming healthy fats, here are a few that we find crucial:

High-Fat Diets May Help Reduce Cravings

What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats? | Bob's Red Mill Blog While low-fat diets may help to cut calories, they have also been known to decrease satiety. Healthy fats boost the nutritional value of a meal, as well as increase the taste. Working small amounts of healthy, high-fat foods into your weekly meals can help you enjoy your meal more and keep hunger at bay for more extended periods. For a craving crushing meal, we recommend making this Almond Mocha Booster. Some mornings there may not seem like there is enough time to do everything, let alone serve up a healthy meal for breakfast. For a quick way to make sure you're consuming a nutritious meal, whip up a quick smoothie. This tasty, mocha-flavored treat is the perfect way to satisfy your morning sugar cravings while also indulging in an energy-boosting snack. Rich in healthy fats, this smoothie is an excellent source of protein and fiber, and offers up 240 mg of omega-3 per serving! The use of our Chocolate Protein Powder Nutritional Booster provides an adequate amount of plant-based protein that makes it a vegan meal that anyone wishing to up their protein intake can enjoy.

Good Fat Foods Reduce Inflammation

If you struggle with inflammation, then a diet rich in healthy fats might be just what you need. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help fight inflammation and reduce the harmful effects of it on your health. For a flavorful way to up your healthy fat intake and help fight inflammation, work these Flax Oat Bran Zucchini Muffins into your weekly snack rotation. We love enjoying muffins as a healthy snack. They're easy to make, taste delicious and a convenient snack to grab when you're in a rush. Keeping healthy muffins like these on hand is an excellent way to keep hunger at bay. Additionally, by making these muffins at the start of the week, you'll ensure that you always have a healthy treat to reach for and prevent you from grabbing a processed or sugary snack. Low carb and high in healthy fats like plant-based omega-3, the flaxseeds in these muffins offer excellent anti-inflammatory benefits. Plus, they're grab-and-go nature makes them the perfect treat to add to your children's lunchbox!

Good Fats Assist Your Body in Absorbing Vitamins and Minerals

What Are the Health Benefits of Good Fats? | Bob's Red Mill Blog Healthy fats play an essential role in your overall health. Not only do they provide your body with quality energy, but they also assist it in absorbing crucial vitamins and minerals. To ensure that your body remains running as it should, include healthy high-fat meals like this Smoked Salmon, Spelt, and Spring Greens Tart into your diet regularly. The perfect, health-boosting brunch recipe to wow your guests with, this beautiful tart is jam-packed with healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoyed it as breakfast or brunch for a nutrient-boosting way to start your day. The elegant look of this dish makes it the perfect plate to bring to social gatherings. Not only will attendees be impressed by the assortment of ingredients, but they'll also love the taste! Aside from the omega-3 rich salmon used in this dish, eggs also contribute a significant amount of healthy fats.

Good Fats are Easy to Incorporate into Your Diet

Now that you know just how good healthy fats are for you, you may be wondering how to make sure you're getting enough of them. Luckily, incorporating high-fat foods into your meals is easy. Nuts and seeds are two foods packed with this critical nutrient, and there are countless ways to use them. Seeds can be sprinkled over a savory salad for an extra boost of omegas, or turned into a spread like this pumpkin seed butter! Nuts can be added to just about any smoothie for a quick dose of healthy fats. They can also be worked into a baked good like these Banana Nut Muffins for an easy-to-make treat that both kids and adults will enjoy. We hope that this article has helped better inform you about the benefits of healthy fats and provided you with some sure-fire ways to add them to your diet. For additional high fat, wholesome recipes stop by our recipe section. Who knows, you might discover your new favorite meal. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, have a healthy and happy day!    
Bob's Red Mill
July 26 2020
