Tasty BBQ Recipes To Try This Summer

Tasty BBQ Recipes To Try This Summer

With summer in full swing, people have begun to enjoy the summer sun by taking the cooking out of the kitchen and onto the grill! Besides the incredible tasting food, grilling outdoors is a fun way to spend time with family and friends. To make your summer BBQs even tastier, weve rounded up five tasty and healthy BBQ recipes that are sure to put you in the spotlight!

BBQ Gluten Strips

Often times, BBQd food can get a bad rap for being too greasy or hearty of a meal, but these BBQ Gluten Strips are a great healthy substitute! If youre looking for a tasty and easy meatless option to barbecue this summer, then these gluten strips are perfect for you. Completely vegan and dairy free, these strips use vital wheat gluten as their base to give them a meat-like texture that goes great when paired with traditional summer side dishes like potato salad. Plus, vital wheat gluten is extremely high in protein, which means if you or your guests are searching for alternative protein sources, then these strips were practically made for you!

Baked Beans

Not all BBQ recipes have to be grilled, and this Baked Bean Recipe is a great example of that. Whether youre eating them as a side dish, paired with your favorite BBQ entree, or stuffing them between hamburger buns, these great northern beans are sure to have everyone's mouths watering. While its hard to not like any baked bean recipe, this recipe is unique as it calls for diced tomatoes giving you that extra little boost of antioxidants. Plus, its completely lactose-free and vegan!

Spicy Veggie Burgers

Tasty BBQ Recipes To Try This Summer _ Bobs Red Mill Amp up the flavor and put a spicy spin on traditional burgers with this gluten free, vegan Veggie Burger Recipe! This recipe uses a blend of lentils, Indian flavors, and spices that not only make these burgers taste great, but make them great for you too. Burgers are an essential part of any BBQ, and by adding these to the menu they're sure to be a crowd favorite. Just make sure you make extra because everyone is going to be lining up for seconds.

Cheesy Cauliflower Dip

When planning for a BBQ, dip often gets overlooked and homemade dip gets pushed to the side for an easy store bought alternative. Yet, when you think about it dip is a pretty vital part of any party. Because, let's be honest, how great do chips really taste without something to dip them in? Not as amazing when they're dipped, that's for sure. This Cheesy Cauliflower Dip is the perfect addition to any snack table and will make even the simplest chips taste incredible! Prepared in under 20 minutes, making this cheesy cauliflower dip might actually be quicker than running to the store to pick some up. We love this recipe because while it holds true to the cheesy flavor it doesnt contain any dairy at all and is completely vegan. Using Bobs Red Mill Nutritional Yeast, this recipe provides the cheesy flavor and texture while avoiding dairy altogether. Surprise your guests at your next gathering with this flavor-filled dip that goes well with just about anything!

Greek Quinoa Salad

Weve seen quinoa everywhere lately and for good reason. Not only is it packed with protein, but its all natural and packed with nutrients. So why not give your guests and body a treat this summer and show up to your next barbecue with this Greek Quinoa Salad? Made with Bobs Red Mill Organic Tri-Colored Quinoa, olives, peppers, and other natural ingredients it is almost as good for you as it tastes! Made in under 15 minutes, this salad is a perfect option to take to BBQs where youll need to make large portions in a short amount of time! Because quinoa has a very mild flavor, the ingredients in this salad really pop, turning it into a Greek-inspired entree that no one will be able to pass up. Another great thing about this dish is that quinoa is a complete protein, making this salad a perfect option for meat-free guests who still want to fill up on good food. Share your favorite summer BBQ recipes in the comments below!
Bob's Red Mill
June 23 2017
