Is pizza on the menu at your restaurant, hotel or university? We have several foodservice pizza crust recipes your customers will love, made with high-quality Bob's Red Mill flours and baking essentials. Our high-quality pizza ingredients are available in resealable bags or 25 pound bulk bags, to suit your needs!
Perfect Pizza Crust
5 tsp (17 g)
Bobs Red Mill Active Dry Yeast
3 cups (900 mL) Warm Water
10 cups (1.45 kg)
Bobs Red Mill Artisan Bread Flour
2 Tbsp (25 g) Salt
Olive Oil, as needed
Combine yeast and water in a large mixer bowl and let stand about 5 minutes. Add dry ingredients and oil to yeast mixture. Mix with a dough hook until smooth, elastic and slightly tacky, 34 minutes. Add additional water or flour as needed to reach the proper consistency.
Drizzle dough lightly all over with olive oil, then cover and let rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
Divide dough into five portions and place on oiled 16-inch pizza pans, then gently press and stretch dough to desired shape.
Par-bake at 475F in a convection oven for about 5 minutes, or in a pizza oven according to manufacturer instructions. Remove crust and let cool, or immediately top with desired toppings and continue to bake until crust has crisped and toppings are to desired consistency, 35 minutes.
Makes five 16-inch crusts.
Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix
cup (40 g)
Bobs Red Mill Active Dry Yeast
7 cups (1.8 L) Warm Water
10 large (500 g) Eggs
cup (120 mL) Olive Oil, plus additional
16 cups (2.27 kg)
Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix
Gluten Free All Purpose Pizza Crust
cup (40 g)
Bobs Red Mill Active Dry Yeast
3 cups (900 mL) Warm Water
2 Tbsp (28 g) Sugar
5 large (250 g) Eggs
3 cup (80 mL) Olive Oil, plus additional
7 cups (1.02 kg)
Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free All-Purpose Baking Flour
3 Tbsp + 1 tsp (30 g)
Bobs Red Mill Xanthan Gum
2 tsp (15 g) Salt
Combine yeast, water and sugar (if called for) in a large mixer bowl and let stand about 5 minutes.
Add eggs and oil to wet ingredients, then add remaining dry ingredients. Mix dough with a paddle attachment until a uniform dough forms, about 1 minute. Do not mix with a dough hook. If the dough moves up the paddle, add additional water, 2 tablespoons at a time.
Drizzle dough lightly all over with additional oil, then cover and let rise until doubled in size, 3045 minutes.
Divide dough into five portions and place on oiled 16-inch pizza pans. With lightly oiled hands, smooth each portion to desired shape. Create a crust edge by hand, if desired.
Par-bake at 400F in a convection oven for 67 minutes, or in a pizza oven according to manufacturer instructions. Remove and let cool, or immediately top with desired toppings and continue to bake until crust has crisped and toppings are to desired consistency, 35 minutes.
Makes five 16-inch crusts.
We have a full roster of pizza ingredients perfect for your pizzeria or foodservice operations! Questions? Email
[email protected].