Our spotlight today is on foodie blogger and influencer Jasmine Briones of SweetSimpleVegan.com. Jasmine and her partner, Chris, started Sweet Simple Vegan back in 2013 as a hobby, but it quickly morphed into something so much more. Today its a platform for them to share their passion for all things vegan and to inspire others to dip their toes into a vegan lifestyle. They love to help their fellow humans break the mold and make a choice for more conscious living, a way of life they believe is better for everyone, as well as better for animals and the planet.They are fully aware that going vegan isnt for the faint of heart. It can be a tough lifestyle, and old habits die hard. Fortunately, its not impossible and they love helping people make that transition, no matter how slow the start may be. A start is a start, right? Their blog is loaded with delicious vegan recipes along with resources, product recommendations, videos and eBooks! Heres more from Jasmine, in her own words.
How did you become an influencer/blogger?
I first started blogging when I was in college as a hobby. I used my blog to share veganism with my friends and family, to show them what I ate and how to make it since they didnt know much about the lifestyle, and it eventually blossomed into what it is today.I went to college for nutrition, so after I graduated, I thought that I could use my passion for nutrition and a plant-based diet to pursue Sweet Simple Vegan full time, and it has been such an amazing journey.
What started your journey into health?
When I was in college, I struggled with an eating disorder. Long story short, I hit rock bottom and knew that I needed to make a change in my life to better my health and my mindset. I was introduced to a plant-based diet and the mental and physical benefits of the lifestyle, and that is when my health journey began.
Do you follow a modified diet?
My partner Chris and I are both vegan.
What is something most people don't know about you?
Music is a huge part of my life and I am currently learning how to play the guitar. Hopefully, by this time next year, I can show you a little bit of what Ive got!
What is your favorite BRM product?
Vital wheat gluten! I love making my own plant-based (mock) meats at home and the BRM vital wheat gluten always yields amazing results. Ive made vegan chicken and beef so far!
What is your favorite BRM recipe?
The Potato and Kale Vegan Quiche! I was impressed that chickpea flour worked so well as an egg substitute and our non-vegan family loved it.
One tip for finding time to cook and bake amidst a busy schedule?
Meal prep, batch cook and plan ahead! I think that creating a plan to tackle the task of cooking and baking amidst a busy schedule is so important, especially during the holidays. I also think that it is helpful to find overlapping ingredients in certain dishes so that you can create more from a few ingredients instead of having a mile-long grocery list. This will help save time, money and a headache!
Oats person or a smoothie person?
Definitely oats. They keep me full longer and if I am craving something fruity, I just add bananas and berries to them.
Any exciting announcements or plans for your Instagram or blog this year?
Chris and I are working on a brand-new eBook and we have also streamlined our work a bit more so that we can put out more recipes and content for our followers this year.
What do you like to do when you aren't working on recipe creation?
Some of my favorite things to do when Im not working on the blog are attending concerts, shooting photos (we actually recently got into concert photography which has been fun) and playing with my pup, Berry.
Favorite season or holiday?
My favorite season is definitely fall, especially up here in the Pacific Northwest.
What is your top baking tip?
Just keep in mind that baking is a science and cant handle recipe modifications as easily as cooking. Once you learn more about the specific roles of each ingredient in baked goods, you will be able to experiment more and have much more success in the test kitchen!
Name three words to describe yourself.
Motivated. Down to earth. Funny (at least I like to think so).