How to Cook Fava Beans?

How to Cook Fava Beans?

Fava beans, also known as broad beans, are light, buttery-flavored beans that taste wonderful in various recipes. A common ingredient in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine, Fresh fava beans are widely available in the springtime when harvested, and dried fava beans are sold year-round. To enjoy the flavor of fava beans to the fullest, some prep work needs to be done beforehand. If you plan on making a dish with fava beans and want to ensure that you cook them to perfection, keep reading. This guide will teach you how to cook fava beans so that you can incorporate them into all of your favorite dishes.

Cooking Fresh Fava Beans

fava beans Fresh fava beans sit inside a thick fibrous fava bean pod. When cooking fresh fava beans, you not only have to remove the bean pod, but you also have to remove the tough outer shell of the bean. While preparing fresh fava beans is time-consuming, the result is well worth the work. To start cooking with fresh fava beans, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Remove the Pod

The easiest way to open up a fava bean pod is by using a paring knife to cut down the pod's seam. Next, open up the pod and remove the beans inside. The 4-5 beans inside each pod will have a thick, white outer shell.

Step 2: Blanch the Beans

To tenderize the beans and make removing the outer shell easier, you'll need to blanch them by adding the beans to salted boiling water. To do this, start by filling a medium-sized pan with water. Once the water is boiling, Add the fresh fava beans for 30 seconds. Then quickly remove the beans with a slotted spoon and transfer the blanched beans into a bowl of ice water. This process will stop the beans from cooking and make them easier to peel.

Step 3: Peel the Beans

Now that the beans are ready to peel, it is time to slip off the outer skin by pinching each fava bean between your thumb and finger.

Step 4: Steam Beans or Enjoy as Is

Once the shells are removed, the beans will be tender and ready to eat. You can enjoy the beans by adding them to salads and stews or steam them a bit longer, allowing them to tenderize even more.

Cooking Dried Fava Beans

dried fava beans Cooking dried fava beans is a much simpler process than preparing fresh ones. Packaged and dried fava beans have already been blanched, meaning there is less prep work on your end. Make sure your next batch of fava beans is your best, and follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Rinse the Beans

Before cooking with any dried beans, you'll want to rinse them. Rinsing dried beans will remove dirt, dust, rocks and impurities from the beans.

Step 2: To Soak or Not to Soak

When choosing to soak or not to soak dried fava beans, you'll want to check the specific instructions for the beans you purchase. For example, while some dried fava beans recommend that you soak them overnight before cooking, others, like our Bob's Red Mill Fava Beans, advise you to skip the soaking step.

Step 3: Cook Beans

The next step in the process is to cook the fava beans. To cook fava beans to perfection, start by placing one cup of beans in a large pot and adding three cups of water in 1 tsp of salt. Bring the water and beans to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover the pot and cook until tender, which will take 40 to 45 minutes. As the beans begin to cook, they will break apart. If you notice the beans sticking together or turning mushy, it may indicate that they are overcooked.

Ways to Use Fava Beans

Fava Bean Dip Once cooked, there are several different ways to use fava beans. Here are a few of our favorite methods. Enjoy fava beans as a dip Add fava bean flour to gluten free bread Use fava bean flour to make carrot cake Are you ready to begin cooking with fava beans? First, follow the guides above to cook fresh and dried fava beans to perfection. Then, share the recipes you create with us in the comments below. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, have a healthy and happy day! Do you cook with fava beans regularly? We'd love to hear more about the recipes you create. Share your best bean-making tips with us in the comments below. We can't wait to hear from you.
Bob's Red Mill
September 26 2022
