If you're looking for ways to boost your health and add nutrients to your diet, then fiber is a great place to start. Fiber is an essential part of a nutritious diet and has several health benefits. It's a natural way to improve gut health, regulate digestion, boost satiety and easily be found in several whole foods. Though carbs often get a bad rap in the wellness industry, fiber is one carb that's required to maintain optimum health. And because it is not easily digested, fiber works to bulk up your meals allowing you to feel fuller with less.
What Is Fiber?
If you want to increase your fiber intake, then it's important that you learn more about this nutrient. Fiber, a nondigestible carbohydrate, is most commonly found in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So, if you're looking to add more to your diet, you'll want to make sure to add more natural foods to it. The great news is that along with fiber, plant-based whole foods also contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrientsall of which are great for you!
Foods That Are High in Fiber
Though plant-based foods are the best sources of fiber, not all of them contain it. When seeking out fiber-rich foods, focus on fruit that you can enjoy whole (skin included), dark green vegetables and unprocessed grains. Here are a few of our favorites to help you curate a grocery list high in fiber-filled foods.
Dried Fruits
Brussel Sprouts
Chia Seeds
Ten Fiber-Packed Recipes
Now that you know which foods to eat, it's time to start making delicious high-fiber recipes. The great thing about fiber is that you can enjoy it any time of the day. Work fiber into flavorsome breakfast recipes, add it to your usual snack, or create a fiber-rich dinner loaded with health-boosting veggies. The many ways you can add fiber to your diet are endless. To help you get started, we've rounded up a few of our favorite high fiber recipes for you to try. Enjoy!
High Fiber Apple Cinnamon Muffins
Muffins are an excellent way to enjoy a treat rich in fiber. These High Fiber Apple Cinamon Muffins are crafted with whole food ingredients to ensure that you're getting the most out of your meals. Choose to enjoy these muffins as a quick and portable breakfast or as an afternoon snack. The undeniable flavor and fiber in these treats will leave you feeling full and satisfied.
High Fiber 7 Grain and Bran Bread
If you're searching for a way to upgrade your morning toast, you've found it. This High Fiber 7 Grain and Bran Bread Recipe makes the ideal bread loaf for sandwiches, toast or grilled cheese. Packed with fiber and essential nutrients, it's the perfect bread recipe to boost your family's intake of vitamins and minerals while still enjoying their favorite foods. Simple to make, even novice bakers will enjoy making a load of this bran bread!
Dairy Free Muesli Loaf
Are you sticking to a dairy free diet? Just because your diet is free of dairy doesn't mean it has to be free of fiber. This Dairy Free Muesli Loaf is an excellent way to incorporate fiber-rich muesli into your breakfast routine. It tastes great when served warm with a bit of butter and jam or used to make a sandwich.
Vanilla Coffee Smoothie
Skip the coffee this morning and try out this fiber-rich smoothie instead. The perfect way to say sayonara to your morning cup of joe, this Vanilla Coffee Smoothie will power your entire day! Use it as a pick-me-up to indulge in on a morning where you need a bit of extra motivation. This recipe uses Bob's Red Mill Almond Protein Powder to supply this smoothie with even more nutrients.
Gluten Free Pizza Dough with Sourdough Starter
Who doesn't enjoy pizza? Here at Bob's Red Mill, we're all about enjoying the food you eat. Because we believe that enjoyable food can be both flavorful and nutritious, we were inspired to create this Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe. An excellent way to use up your gluten free sourdough starter, it's a celiac-friendly version of traditional pizza bread that contains an added boost of fiber.
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Skip the raisins, and indulge in a handful of chocolate chips when making these Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. Made with whole grain oats, this cookie recipe is rich in fiber and flavor. Easy to make, we've switched the xanthan gum for psyllium fiber powder for even more health benefits. Savor these cookies as a sweet breakfast treat, or pack them with you for a guilt-free dessert to eat on the go.
Gluten Free English Muffins
Start your morning off right with a freshly baked batch of English muffins. English muffins are one of our favorite breakfast recipes. Their versatile flavor makes them easy to combine with sweet and savory ingredients. And their single-serve nature means that each family member can enjoy these muffins with the toppings they choose!If you're cooking for gluten-sensitive individuals, this Gluten Free English Muffin Recipe is the perfect alternative to traditional muffins. Serve it up with butter and jam as a sweet breakfast dish, or turn it into a DIY pizza. It's up to you to get creative and make this recipe your own.
Soft Gluten Free Pigs in a Blanket
For a savory treat that both children and adults will love, make these Soft Gluten Free Pigs in a Blanket. The ideal snack to serve at a small gathering, this treat features delicious sausage wrapped in a fluffy, tender dough made of millet flour and brown rice flour. Easy to make, they don't require many ingredients to be flavorful. Complete with ketchup, mustard and BBQ sauce for a genuinely satisfying plate.
Gluten Free 1-to-1 Sourdough Boule
If you love baking, then it's likely you've tried making sourdough bread. There's nothing like the smell of sweet, homemade sourdough fresh from the oven. And while you might have grown up enjoying this bread, new dietary restrictions or a recently diagnosed gluten allergy may keep you from this treat you once craved. If you're eliminating gluten from your diet yet still want to indulge in a large loaf of sourdough now and then, we're here to help. This Gluten Free 1-to-1 Flour Sourdough Boule embodies all the sourdough flavors you know and loves without gluten. When baked to perfection, this recipe features a great crust, fantastic crumb and tangy flavor. Perfect for all your sourdough needs. Our Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour is used to make this bread and makes incredible baked goods from cookies to sourdough starter.
Chickpea Flour Tortillas
Take taco Tuesday to the next level and add some fiber to the mix. When searching for fiber-rich recipes, those that use garbanzo bean flour are some of our favorites. A low allergy food, Bob's Red Mill Chickpea Flour is loaded with protein, dietary fiber and iron. It embodies the creamy-ness and tasty-ness of chickpeas while lending a sweet and rich flavor to whatever it's combined with. An excellent ingredient in gluten free baking, it works well in these Garbanzo Bean Flour Tortillas to make a grain and gluten free treat. Suitable for tacos, quesadillas and tostadas, it's the ideal recipe for anyone allergic to cornor people who want to add a new type of tortilla to their recipe book.Taking care of your gut and your overall health is essential, and one of the best ways to do so is through the foods you eat. While you may not notice it, your digestive system is continuously running at top speed to ensure your body is absorbing the nutrients it needs to rid the waste from your body. A diet high in healthy fiber is a crucial part of maintaining good gut health, staying regular, and supporting your digestive system. By focusing on recipes high in fiber that use natural ingredients like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes, you can help keep digestive issues at bay and continue to feel your best. We hope that the tips and recipes found in this article provide you with the information needed to boost your fiber intake safely.If, after incorporating the foods and high fiber recipes listed above, you still feel like your diet lacks fiber, we suggest speaking to a health professional to discuss your unique health needs.Know of a recipe that's high in fiber? We'd love to hear about the fiber-rich meals you enjoy. Let us know in the comments below. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, have a healthy and fiber-fueled day!