As May 4 approached this year, we realized that it was a holiday we hadnt yet thrown much weight behind, and as you might guess, we're big Star Wars fans around here. How could we celebrate "May the Fourth Be with You" and include a Bobs Red Mill twist? And could we develop a recipe that evoked one of the coolest and most loyal characters in the galaxy? Thus, Chewie Chocolate Cookies were born.

When we decided to use Chewbacca as inspiration for a cookie, I immediately began to think of all things, well, Chewie: hairy, hard to understand if you didnt speak Shyriiwook, probably not the most well-groomed, and likely with some detritus caught up in that coat (hey, I
never saw a hair brush or comb on the Millennium Falcon, did you?). Okay! So earthy, spicy and a bit rough around the edges it is.

I decided to roll with the popular spice trio of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, and I included the double chocolate of cocoa powder and chocolate chunks, because why not? Please note that the recipe calls for chocolate chunks, not chips. Being a 7-foot-tall, fully coated being among us (relatively) short and hairless humans really stands out like a chocolate chunk. An errant mouthful of Wookiee fur, I imagine, would be not unlike a mouthful of shredded coconut. And since I imagine Chewbacca in particular as being a bit brusque, I opted for a flour blend that uses
graham flour. Graham flour is a coarsely ground whole grain wheat flour that imparts a hint of texture to breads, cakes and cookies.

Graham flour, shredded coconut, chocolate chunks and spices equal my ideal Wookiee: a bit rough, a bit surprising and someone I want to hang around all the time.
Get the recipe for
Chewie Chocolate Cookies and
May the Fourth Be With You!