What Are the Best Foods for Digestion?

What Are the Best Foods for Digestion?

Looking to improve your digestion? You've landed on the perfect article. At Bob's Red Mill, we know how important a well-running digestive system is. Not only does easy digestion keep you feeling your best, but it also helps to increase the amount of nutrients you're receiving from the food you eat. Keep scrolling to learn more about the digestion process and some of the best foods for digestion.

The Digestion Process

Think of the digestion process as a well-choreographed dance. Each part of your digestive tract plays an essential role in breaking down the food you eat and unfastening the nutrients inside. Vitamins, minerals, calories, protein and fats are absorbed into your body through the digestive process. And what's leftover from your food is discarded and turned into waste. Because digestion is something that our body regularly does, many of us don't pay attention to the process until we notice something wrong with it. A weakened digestive system can cause a wide array of problems ranging from bloating to constipation. By being proactive and including health-boosting foods into your meals, you can keep your digestive system running as intended and continue to feel your best.

How Are Nutrients and Digestion Related?

By now, you probably know that digestion plays a vital role in breaking down your food into nutrients. But what does your body use those nutrients for? Nutrients are broken down and sent to specific areas of the body, where they are then used for energy, growth and cellular repair. But sometimes, your digestive system doesn't function properly. Whether you've eaten foods that don't mix well with your stomach, contain too few nutrients or you've caught a bug, if your digestive system isn't working well, you're likely not receiving the necessary amount of nutrients needed.

Best Foods for Digestion

veggie casserole An off-track digestive system may leave you feeling hungry, overly full, bloated and in some cases, sick. The best way to ensure that your digestive system remains healthy and robust is to fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods that are easy to digest. Keep scrolling to learn more about these foods and how you can incorporate them into your weekly meals.


One of the most important kinds of food you can eat is vegetables, especially if you're looking to improve digestion. You've likely heard how important fiber is for our digestive system. Fiber works to stimulate your digestive tract and helps keep everything moving through your intestines. Not only does this allow your body to absorb more nutrients, but it also helps rid your body of harmful bacteria. Because fiber is an essential part of keeping things moving, eating foods rich in it will help keep your digestive system healthy and signal your brain that you're full. A diet rich in fiber can also help relieve stomach issues like constipation and diarrhea. If you're taking more or fewer bathroom trips than usual, it's time to sneak more fiber-rich foods into your meals. Fiber's ability to keep things moving can help relieve constipation. If your stools are loose, then insoluble fiber can help soak up the extra water in your intestines and prevent diarrhea. Now that you know just how great fiber is for digestion, it's time to start adding more of it to your diet. Fiber can be found in abundance in fruits, vegetables and legumes. If you're eating a whole food diet, chances are you're already getting plenty of fiber. However, if you're experiencing digestive issues and want to snack on something easy to digest, fiber-rich foods are an excellent option. When introducing more fiber to your diet, we recommend that you do so slowly. While fiber is excellent for you, consuming too much of any nutrient your body isn't used to can result in bloating or gas. When eating on a sensitive stomach, consuming smaller portioned meals will slowly help your body adjust and repair itself.


Artichokes For a fiber-rich food that's easy to absorb, work more artichoke into your weekly meals. Artichokes are incredibly low in calories yet high in fiber. This being so, adding artichoke hearts to your favorite recipes or enjoying one as a snack is an excellent way to include more fiber into your diet without indulging in a heavy dish. Just one medium artichoke has nearly 7 grams of fiber, and its versatile flavor allows you to enjoy it in several different ways. Add artichoke to a salad, enjoy it as a chip replacement, dip it in a spread like this Spicy Bengal Dip, or include it in your next soup recipe. Loaded with prebiotics, antioxidants and vitamins, artichoke is an excellent vegetable to boost your digestive system and overall health.


Love leafy greens? Then you're in luck. Enjoying a bowl full of leafy greens isn't just tasty; it's great for your digestive health. Greens provide a wide array of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber! The fiber found in greens like spinach and kale is known as insoluble fiber. The digestive system cannot absorb insoluble fiber, and while it sounds like that might make these veggies hard to digest, it's actually what helps push waste through your intestines and out of your body. Adding bulk to your stool makes it easier to clear out your GI tract and allows your body to absorb only what's needed. The great thing about greens is that there are several different kinds to choose from. Don't get discouraged if you're not a fan of the first green you try. Greens like spinach, kale and cabbage all have unique flavors. Enjoy your greens as a large salad, add a handful to your morning smoothie or stuff them into your favorite sandwich.

Digestion-Boosting Greens

The next time you head to the grocery store, add a few of these digestion-boosting greens to your shopping list.
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Collard Greens
  • Brussel Sports
  • Cabbage
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Arugula

Chia Seeds

Banana Pie Chia Pudding A tiny but powerful superfood, chia seeds are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber and great for digestion. The insoluble fiber in chia seeds causes them to form a gelatin-like substance when mixed with any liquid. This gel around the chia seeds works to add bulk to your stools and absorbs water in the intestines that could cause irritation. The soluble fiber acts as a prebiotic and feeds the healthy gut flora. This supports a healthy gut biome by ridding your digestive system of harmful bacteria that may be causing symptoms. Because chia seeds are tiny, they can be added to countless recipes for a boost of nutrition. Add chia seeds to your water, use them to create a delicious pudding, or add a spoonful or two to your favorite smoothie recipe. If you're looking for easy ways to boost your digestive health, chia seeds are an excellent option!


Eager to feel like you're on a tropical vacation? With many of us not being able to travel internationally this past year, the chances are you're missing some of your favorite foodsand your body is too! Papaya is a luscious tropical fruit that is even better for you than it tastes. The perfect way to feel like you're on an island getaway, indulging in a bowl of papaya on an empty stomach is an excellent way to get your digestion system moving and prepared for the day's meals. Papaya is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients essential to your health, but that's not the only thing that makes this fruit a digestive superfood. Papaya also contains a digestive enzyme called papain. This enzyme assists your body during the digestive process and helps break down protein fibers more efficiently. In fact, papain is so great for you it's one of the leading ingredients in many digestive supplements. Of course, we prefer to absorb this nutrient naturally when possible. Luckily, you don't have to travel by plane to enjoy papaya. Papaya can be found year-long in many grocery storeshowever, its peak season in the summertime. Enjoy a bowl of papaya as a pre-breakfast treat, add it to your oats or work it into a delicious smoothie recipe. Your stomach is sure to thank you!


Beet juice Whether you choose to roast, steam, pickle or juice your beets, they're a delicious way to add more vitamins and minerals into your diet. Low in saturated fat and high in dietary fiber, this superfood offers several health benefits. Just one cup of beets contains 3.5 grams of fiber, most of which is insoluble fiber. As we mentioned earlier, the insoluble fiber found in beets works to bulk up your stool and helps it quickly pass through your intestines. This means fewer digestive issues and more regularity! If, after consuming a significant amount of beets, you notice a pink or red tint to your stools, don't be alarmed. A pigmentation in beets called betanin is likely the culprit. No one likes suffering from digestive issues. Help your digestive system remain healthy and strong by enjoying foods that support digestion and including them in your weekly meals. From leafy green veggies to tropical fruit, creating a grocery list full of digestion-boosting food isn't as hard as it seems. Reference this list the next time you head to the grocery store and begin boosting your digestive health today. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, we wish you a happy and healthy day!
Bob's Red Mill
May 07 2021
