Our spotlight today is on foodie and blogger Joanne from OliveandMango.com. Though shes a dental hygienist by trade, she has a passion for good food that spills over into the rest of her life (which may come from her Greek origins). Her blog is beautiful, fresh, loaded with yummy recipes and perfect for those looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Heres more from Joanne, in her own words.
How did you become an influencer/blogger?
My blog started as a way to catalog some of my favorite recipes, and then I was encouraged to take photos of the food and write about the recipe. I started sharing them on Instagram and realized that people were actually interested in the recipes. From there I started to get a little more serious about what I posted on the blog and started to view it as a unique opportunity to share the foods I love, but to also showcase the products I use on a daily basis, and of course our photography
What started your journey into health?
Although Im not a health food blog, I do like to share some healthier options that I cook and eat on a daily basis. The sweets and treats I share on it are not what I eat daily. I have always had a balanced approach to food and understood that indulging in a sweet treat or something rich and decadent is truly something to be enjoyed, not feared if its in moderation.
Do you follow a modified diet?
I do not have any food sensitivities or prescribe to any particular diet, but I personally stick to mostly veggies and whole foods. This is highly influenced by being raised in a Mediterranean home on mostly a Mediterranean diet.
What is something most people don't know about you?
Most people dont know that I do have a day job. Im a registered dental hygienist and have been for almost twenty years. Its a career that has shaped my view on nutrition awareness and promotion.
Well, I use your products in so many recipes and love them all but recently I have used your almond flour in the easiest and most tender tart crust that I use for both savory and sweet tarts. Absolutely delicious.
Top tip for finding time to cook and bake amidst a busy schedule?
Meal prep! I know it sounds clich and obvious, but it helps so much. I dont mean every ingredient chopped and ready to go (that would take me a full day to do that and I dont have time for that) but what I do mean is having a general idea of what you want to cook for the week plus having alternative options and having the ingredients in stock. I just know that if Im missing even one component and I dont have a simple alternative I will quickly be defeated and call for take-out. And I always keep things super simple during the busy midweek when it comes to meals and usually do something special or more time consuming on the weekend. I reserve most baking for the weekend too as I dont mind having a late-night baking session if I know I get to sleep in the next day.
Oats person or a smoothie person?
Could never choose. Both for sure. Oats when the temps drop and smoothies all summer long, every day!
Any exciting announcements or plans for your Instagram or blog this year?
We are trying to incorporate more videos this year so stay tuned for that!
Who are some of your favorite influencers?
There are so many, and I admire them all for very different reasons. I love bloggers like Dale from The Daley Plate and Nagi from Recipe Tin Eats, Melina Hammer and Alida of Simply Delicious, who showcases drool-worthy foods that you can actually make (Nagi is my fav when it comes to videos too, totally inspiring). And when it comes to baking, hands down Laura from Tutti Dolci. There are plenty of others and lots that I follow for their food styling and photography talents, which always inspire me, but they are too many to list.
What do you like to do when you aren't working on recipe creation?
I love being outdoors and staying active. So, we love to hike. We are also very much involved in volunteer work which keeps us quite busy apart from work and the blog.
Favorite season or holiday?
Summer will always be top. Im fine with melting in hot temps. I will take that over winter hibernation any day and I love everything that the summer season has to offer when it comes to fruits and veggies as well. We are barely home in the summer and that is the way I like it.
What is your top baking tip?
Read through the entire recipe (even twice) before starting, and measurements do count when it comes to baking. Simple but so important.
Name three words to describe yourself.
Committed. Hardworking. Empathetic.
Quinoa or rice?
Tough because I love both, but rice always wins. My dad always says I was born on the wrong continent. I can eat rice every day!
Favorite food brands?
You will always find some sort of Silk product in my fridge.