We are a family that is in full-on go mode the second we wake up every morning. We have a 5-year-old daughter in pre-school who loves to sleep, so its sometimes a struggle to get her up, get her fed, dressed, teeth brushed, and out the door within 50 minutes from the time she wakes up. While all this chaos is going on, my wife and I are also trying to get ready for the day, so some days it's just absolutely nuts! Several times a week we opt for a protein shake. Theyre delicious, nutritious, and most importantly are beyond quick to make.
Weve been using Bobs Red Mill Protein Powders and Smoothie Powder Nutritional Boosters for some time now, and its funny because each family member has their favorite. My wife loves the chocolate, my daughter is the vanilla fan, and I am the pea protein powder fan. While the recipes I created in the video are ones that we make regularly, we also like to change things up a bit too. I say this because I dont want you to feel that you have to stick to our recipes, because there are several ingredients between the chocolate and vanilla, as well as the pea and hemp, that would interchange wonderfully.
The Kale Hemp Smoothie that I made is loaded with greens and fruit consisting of fresh kale leaves, pineapple, apples, pears, banana, coconut water, Bobs Red Mill Hemp Protein Powder, and ice. Its a simple blend and absolutely loaded with nutrients. This one is my second favorite.
The Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie is my wifes favorite and it is loaded with strawberries, avocado, coconut milk, Bobs Red Mill Chocolate Protein Powder, and ice. It has tons of healthy fats and protein and is amazingly creamy and delicious.
The Vanilla Almond Smoothie is my daughters favorite. It has Bobs Red Mill Thick Cut Oats, almond butter, banana, Bobs Red Mill Vanilla Protein Powder, almond milk, and ice. I had some leftover homemade almond milk and man was it good! This one is packed with fiber and protein.
The Vegetable Pea Smoothie is my personal favorite and it is similar to a veggie tomato juice and a Bloody Mary, minus the vodka of course. It has carrots, celery, baby spinach, beets, Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, tomato juice, Bobs Red Mill Pea Protein Powder, and ice. If you're a tomato juice fan, then this one will blow your socks off! Since it is a savory smoothie, be sure to adjust the seasonings accordingly! Happy blending!
Add all ingredients to a blender and puree until smooth. Serve!
Hello, ImBilly Parisi, but to some Im known as Chef Billy Parisi. I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but for the most part Im aFood & Content Creator, Sometimes TV Host, Digital and Social Strategist, Influencer, Picture Taker, Coffee Drinker, Daddy, Husband, College Sports Enthusiast, Fashionisto, Film & MusicLover!
Ive been in the kitchen since I started washing dishes in a restaurant at the age of 13, and during that time I knew immediately that I wanted to be a chef. I graduated from Arizonas Scottsdale Culinary Institute and the University of Missouri, and have logged several years as line cook, souschef, and executive in some of the Midwests finest restaurants. I currently live in the city of Chicago with my wife Lindsay and daughter Olivia and cook up new inventions, mash-ups, fusions, and twists on old classics. Im incredibly spontaneous and outgoing, and run two small businesses, BPMVC and my latest venture, 5 Loaves 2 Fish!