Adding Soy to Recipes: Soy Protein Benefits

Adding Soy to Recipes: Soy Protein Benefits

Whether you're searching for a simple way to add more protein to your diet, or need something to help you recover post-workout, enjoying a few scoops of protein powder can help get the job done. With the many protein powders on shelves, finding one that suits your dietary needs may be a bit confusing. While whey protein is the most popular type of protein powder, it's derived from milk, meaning that vegans, lactose intolerant individuals, and those avoiding dairy can't consume it. On the other hand, Soy protein powder is entirely plant-based and loaded with many of the same benefits that whey protein is. If you're searching for a vegan protein powder option and want to learn more about soy protein, then you've stumbled upon the perfect article. Continue scrolling as we discuss the many soy protein benefits and how you can begin using this powder in your daily meals.

When Is a Protein Powder Needed

If you've yet to use protein powder, then you may be wondering, "why start now?". The truth is, not everyone needs protein powder, and many individuals meet their daily protein requirement by simply eating whole food meals. That being said, protein powder can be helpful in certain situations. Soy protein powder is ideal for plant-based athletes and gym-goers who partake in strenuous gym sessions. As we exercise, our bodies use protein to help our muscles withstand the high activity levels. Those who work out regularly often require more protein daily and incorporate protein powder into their routine to meet their nutritional needs. Fitness enthusiasts also use protein as a recovery drink to deliver much-needed essential amino acids and nutrients to the muscles in a short amount of time. This quick delivery helps speed up the recovery process, boosting overall health. Additionally, picky eaters and those with busy schedules may find it hard to consume enough protein during mealtime. Because protein shakes can be made in minutes and have several different flavors, they're the ideal way to pack a large number of nutrients into a simple and tasty on-the-go drink.

What Is Soy Protein Powder?

soy protein powder Soy Protein powder is made from a type of legume that is naturally high in protein. To turn this tasty legume into a finely ground powder, soybeans are first ground into a meal where the hulls and fat are removed. That same meal is then processed into soy protein isolate, which is then sold in powdered form. Though soy protein isolate is naturally high in protein and low in carbohydrates, not all soy protein powders are. Many brands add additional nutrients to soy protein during the manufacturing process to better its taste, texture and nutritional value. While these add-ins may boost the flavor and texture of the protein powder, they're not great for you. When choosing a soy protein powder, we recommend choosing one that contains a minimal amount of all-natural ingredients. A healthy alternative to animal protein, our Bob's Red Mill Soy Protein Powder is a plant-based source of complete protein. Aside from being easy to digest, it also contains little flavor, making it easy to blend into just about any recipe. Dairy free, gluten free, unflavored and unsweetened, it's the perfect powder for vegans and vegetarians to supplement their protein intake.

Benefits of Soy Protein Powder

Now that you better understand what soy protein is and where it comes from, it's time to discuss its many health benefits. When compared to whey protein, soy protein is arguably just as great for you. And because it's a complete protein, it provides you with all of the essential amino acids needed to keep your muscles healthy and strong. Wondering what else soy protein helps with? Keep scrolling to discover a few reasons you should begin incorporating soy protein into your diet.

Soy Protein Is An Excellent Alternative For Meat Protein

Meat is one of the most widely available complete protein sources, and when consuming meat as a part of your daily diet, you may not need a protein powder at all. That being said, meat isn't the only source of protein out there, and for many plant-based individuals, it's not a source that's consumed at all. So, where can you get your protein if not from animal products? From soy, of course. Soy protein is one of the best plant-based proteins available. It acts as an excellent substitute for the proteins found in meat and is similar in many ways. Soy protein products can also be used to replace animal-based products that contain high levels of saturated fatty acids. So, if you're searching for a protein powder that's full of plant-based nutrients, we suggest adding soy protein powder to your grocery list. man resting after workout with dumbells

Helps Aid in Muscle Growth and Recovery

Much like whey protein, soy protein can help reduce the breakdown of muscles and promote healthy muscle growth. As our body remains active throughout the day, it burns nutrients for energy. When we work out, the amount of nutrients needed is much more than we'd typically consume. That being so if your body doesn't have enough essential nutrients like protein, it may begin to break down lean muscle and use it for energy. To ensure that your muscles remain untouched, it's necessary to meet your daily protein requirements. Fueling your body with enough protein from the start will not only help protein your muscles, but it can also help them grow.

Soy Protein Provides an Energy Boost

Soy Proteins are full of amino acids, nine of which the body cannot make on its own. Because of this, these nine amino acids must be consumed by food, and incorporating soy protein powder into your diet is an excellent way to ensure that you're receiving these nutrients. The essential amino acids found in soy protein are utilized by our body and converted into energy, allowing us to remain alert and active throughout the day. Consuming soy protein regularly can help keep your protein levels regular and provide you with enough energy to power through even the most exhausting days.

The Taste and Texture of Soy Protein Powder

When choosing the suitable plant-based protein for you, taste and texture will play a large part in your opinion. Soy protein powder has a slightly sweet taste and smooth texture, making it easy to add to any recipe. When purchased unsweetened and unflavored, it can be added to both sweet and savory recipes without changing the overall taste of the meal. When purchasing soy protein powder, it's essential to search for one with minimal ingredientsideally, just one. You'll likely notice that several brands may include additives and preservatives, most of which you'll want to avoid.

When to Enjoy Soy Protein Powder

Green protein shake cup and woman lacing running shoes before workout The optimal time to consume protein will vary based on your specific health needs. However, here are a few of the most common times to consume protein powder.

Pre and Post Workout

Consuming protein before a challenging workout can help provide your muscles with the energy needed to sustain such activity. However, consuming protein after training will allow those hard-working muscles to recover and adapt. If you're searching for ways to incorporate soy protein into your gym routine, we recommend speaking with a health professional about your fitness goals to determine when the protein is most needed.


Whether it's a busy season or just a busy week, a healthy sit-down meal doesn't always fit into a crammed schedule. That being so, making a soy protein shake is a nutritious and convenient solution to ensure that you're meeting your protein needs. Whether you require a protein shake in the morning, afternoon, or evening, a delicious shake can be made in just minutes. Load it up with good-for-you ingredients and substitute it for a meal, or enjoy it as a mid-day snack to curb your hunger cravings until dinner time.

Before Bed

Consuming soy protein powder before heading to bed is an excellent way to help your body recover from a strenuous day. Depending on your activity levels and the intensity of your workout, the recovery phase can last up to 48 hours post-workout. Consuming protein powder before heading to bed will help prevent your body from breaking down muscle for energy and instead supply it with the nutrients it needs. Ready to begin using soy protein powder? Head to our online recipe book to discover the many delicious treats you can whip up. From Soy Protein Bars to Sunshine Smoothies, there's bound to be something that you'll love. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, have a healthy and happy day! Do you enjoy adding soy protein powder to your recipes? We'd love to hear about the tasty treats that you've come up with. Share your favorite soy recipes with us in the comments below.  
Bob's Red Mill
December 22 2021
