Wondering if a grain free diet is right for you? Depending on your health and goals, going grain free could provide several benefits. Though a grain free diet is a popular diet on its own, it's most often practiced by individuals who have a gluten intolerance.While going grain free may not be for everyone, it's essential to learn about the benefits of this diet and try it out for yourself. If you're struggling with digestion issues, an autoimmune disease, or food sensitivity, You may find that a grain free diet is exactly what your gut has been asking for all along!
What Is a Grain Free Diet?
If you're familiar with a gluten free diet and are wondering how you can transition to a grain free one, there are a few minor adjustments that you'll need to make. Eating grain free requires that you not only eliminate wheat products but all grainsincluding gluten free ones. Gluten free grains like barley, corn, rice and oats are not permitted on a grain free diet. However, pseudocereals like quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are allowed in small quantities.While removing grains from your diet might seem like a low-carb meal plan, unlike the ketogenic diet, a grain free one does not restrict your intake of carbs. In fact, many starchy vegetables with complex carbs like sweet potato, carrot and pumpkin are an encouraged and a valued part of this meal plan. Even more, a gluten free diet urges you to consume high-protein foods like eggs, fish, meat, legumes, beans, seeds, nuts and dairy. Often praised as an anti-inflammatory diet, when eating grain free you are encouraged to listen to your body's needs and remove any foods that may be causing irritation or gastrointestinal upset.
Are Whole Grains Good for You?
Whole grain products are a rising star in the health and wellness industry and there are many benefits of eating them. So why would someone want to consider going grain free? While whole grain foods may boast excellent health benefits for some, they are not great for all. Just like some people are sensitive to gluten or lactose, eating grains can trigger unwanted inflammation and lead to digestive upset.Additionally, many processed foods marketed as whole grain cereals, bars and flours don't actually contain whole grains. Instead, they use refined grains, commonly referred to as "empty" calories. This is because refined grains are digested quickly and have a high glycemic index. Eating foods high in refined grains can lead to spikes in your blood sugar levels or weight gain, which is not suitable for your body or energy levels.
Can You Still Enjoy Carbs on a Grain Free Diet?
Unlike keto, grain free does not mean carb-free. While whole grains themselves contain quite a few carbs, you're not removing carbs entirely. Instead, you're simply replacing them with plant-based carbohydrates. A grain free diet is not supposed to be restrictive or low carb. Instead, it encourages adding healthy complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and carrots into your diet, as well as a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.This is because, for many, carbs are an essential part of a healthy diet. Complex, good-for-you carbs work as the main energy source for your body's primary functions. They provide fuel for your heart, kidneys, muscles, brain and central nervous system. Besides providing energy, foods rich in carbohydrates also boast a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients.If you're searching for high-quality carbohydrates to enjoy on a grain free diet, some of our favorites include:
Whole Fruits
The Difference Between Gluten Free and Grain Free
Knowing the difference between a gluten free and a grain free diet can be tricky. While all grain free foods are naturally gluten free, not all gluten free foods are grain free. Gluten is a specific protein found in different types of grains. Some of the most common grains that include gluten are wheat, rye, barley, kamut and spelt.Gluten is a vital ingredient in many recipes and adds elasticity and protein to baked goods like bread and muffins. While gluten isn't an inherently bad ingredient, it can wreak havoc on your digestive health if you struggle with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. If you notice digestive issues after consuming gluten, we advise you to speak with a health professional about slowly removing it from your diet.Remember, a grain free lifestyle is not about eliminating gluten, but instead grains as a whole. When following a grain free diet, you will need to eliminate gluten-containing grains like wheat and rye, as well as gluten free grains like quinoa, oats and sorghum.
The Benefits of a Grain Free Lifestyle
Now that you know how to live a grain free lifestyle, you're likely wondering what the benefits of going grain free are. From reducing inflammation to consuming more fruits and veggies, there are many reasons going gluten free could be just what your body needs. Read on to learn more about the benefits of a grain free diet.
It Can Reduce Inflammation
Going grain free could help reduce your body's overall inflammation levels. Whether you have celiac disease, are struggling with digestive problems, or have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder removing grains from your diet could help considerably. Grain and gluten-containing foods top the charts of allergy-prone ingredients. Whether you're allergic to one, a few, or many grains, consuming them regularly could cause unnecessary inflammation in the body and contribute to digestive issues. If you're experiencing stomach problems, we recommended speaking with your doctor about trying a grain free diet. By eliminating grains from your diet completely, you can better determine what's causing the inflammation. And, after determining the cause, begin to add certain grains back into your recipes.
It Helps You Eat More Whole Food
While a grain free diet requires you to eliminate several foods from your daily recipes, it also provides you with the chance to incorporate more whole foods. Individuals who eat grain free often rely more on fruits and vegetables to add substance to their meals. Fruits are added to delicious baked goods, nuts and seeds are ground into flour and vegetables are spiralized into the perfect plant-based pasta noodles. By getting creative with the foods you can eat, you can expand your shopping list to incorporate more healthy, whole foods guaranteeing a diet rich in essential vitamins and nutrients.Additionally, many processed foods on grocery shelves today contain grains. This being, these processed foods become off-limits when following a grain free diet urging you to purchase healthier options or make whole-food recipes at home instead.
It Boosts Meal Variety
Going grain free may encourage you to eat more whole foods and it can also help you branch out and try foods you haven't before. More and more grain substitutions are hitting the shelves. Flour alternatives, grain free cereals and recipes for vegetable noodles are gaining in popularity and using them is bound to boost the variety of the meals you serve up weekly.
Grain Free Substitutes
Looking for a great grain substitute? Here are a few of our favorites:
Grain Free Flatbread Mix
At Bob's Red Mill, we love making a homemade batch of flatbread and believe that great flatbread should be easy-to-make for everyoneincluding people following a grain free diet. This is precisely why we created the Bob's Red Mill Grain Free Flatbread Mix. Delicious and quick to prepare, this pre-made mix makes it simple to cook up a delightful flatbread entirely grain free. Try it out for yourself and enjoy everything you've been missing!
Grain Free Blueberry Muffin Mix
Eager to make blueberry muffins but aren't sure which grain free flour to use? We took the guesswork out of it for you when we created the Bob's Red Mill Grain Free Blueberry Muffin Mix. A tasty and easy-to-use mix, these blueberry muffins incorporate all of the mouthwatering flavors and aromas of traditional Burberry muffins sans the grains. Whip up a batch for a plate of grain free muffins that are so good your family won't even be able to tell that they were made without grains.
Grain Free Chocolate Cake Mix
Everyone should be able to enjoy a moist piece of chocolate cake every once in a while. If you love cake and follow a grain free diet, this Grain Free Chocolate Cake Mix will quickly become your new favorite kitchen staple. Quick to prepare and loaded with flavor, it offers up the melt-in-your-mouth taste of traditional chocolate cake and is entirely grain free. Bake a cake for your next party, or keep one on hand for a mid-week after-dinner dessert.Now that you better understand what a grain free diet is and the benefits of following one, it's time to head to the kitchen and whip up your favorite grain free recipe. From chocolate cake to blueberry muffins, the possibilities are endless!