Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand

Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand

Have you ever wondered which spices you should stock up on? Or maybe you have a pantry full of spices and don't know how to use them. Whether you're just starting on your spice journey or want to make the most out of what you have, this list of essential spices for a kitchen is the ultimate guide to use to revamp your pantry. Having a well-stocked spice rack doesn't mean that you need an extensive collection of spices. In fact, using spices as you need them is the best way to ensure that they'll always be fresh. That being said, there are some staples that you're bound to use regularly. To help you keep your pantry stocked with the essentials, we've created this list of seasonings that every kitchen needs.

What Are Spices?

Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Before we dive into everything spices, it's important first to explain what spices are and where they come from. In the kitchen, the word spices are used to describe any dried part of a plant (other than the leaves) that can be used to add flavor to a dish. Spices included every part of the plant, including the roots, seeds, bark and branches. The dried leaves of the plant are not considered spices. Instead, they're known as herbs. When cooking with spices, it's important to note that most spices will start to lose their flavor if they are ground. Because of this, it's best to buy spices in their full form and ground them yourself before using them. Additionally, even if they are not ground, spices will lose their flavor over time. Though spices don't ever actually spoil, for the best flavor, it is recommended to use ground spices within six months of purchasing. Whereas, if stored properly, whole dried spices can last up to two years.

How to Store Spices

Now, on to the next question; What is the best way to store spices? Generally, it's best to store all spices (and herbs!) in a cool, dark place. Though many people store spices in a spice rack on the counter or a shelf near the stove, the heat given off by both the kitchen appliances and the sunshine can damage spices over time. Because of this, it's recommended to store spices in a location far from heat, like the kitchen pantry. Additionally, spices should always be kept in airtight containers free of any moisture. Doing so will ensure that they're fresh and ready to use when you need them!

Essential Spices to Keep on Hand


Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Craving something sweet but also want to stick to your healthy diet? We've got you covered. Used in both sweet and savory recipes, cinnamon is the perfect spice to add to any treat. It's made from the peeled and dried bark of several trees commonly found in Southeast Asia and has a warm and spicy flavor that can boost the taste of any dish. Add cinnamon to sweet meals like smoothies and yogurt, or include it in a baked treat like this Cinnamon Scone Bread. Cinnamon is an incredibly flavorful spice! If possible, we recommend purchasing whole cinnamon sticks and then grinding them yourself once you're ready to use. Not only will this keep the cinnamon fresh and flavorful, but it will also ensure that you're purchasing true cinnamon without any additives.

Ground Ginger

Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Oh, how we love ground ginger. Made from the dried root of the ginger plant, ground ginger adds zing and warmth to a variety of recipes. This spice is perfect for times when you don't have fresh ginger on hand and want to take your meal up a notch. A flavorful addition to any dish, ground ginger also tastes great when combined with additional spices and herbs. A few of our favorite spices to use alongside ground ginger included cinnamon, cardamom and coriander. Or, if you're a fan of the taste of ginger alone, try adding a sprinkle or two to your favorite tea. Once you begin using it, this essential spice is one that you'll reach for day after day. Begin using ginger in wholesome dinners like this Orca Bean Soup with Squash, Greens and Ginger.

Garlic Powder

Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Made from finely ground dehydrated garlic, garlic powder is one spice you'll always want on hand. An essential ingredient in spice blends and dry rubs, garlic powder, can also be used to replace garlic cloves in a recipe. Commonly used to season meats and veggies, it also makes for a delicious addition to savory snacks like roasted nuts and popcorn. Or, if you're craving something a bit more filling, try combining garlic powder with butter and spread on a freshly baked loaf of Cheesy Garlic Bread! This spice is a great way to boost the flavor of nearly any savory recipe and is a perfect addition to low-sodium dishes, which might be lacking in taste.


Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Though cloves might not immediately come to mind when thinking about spice staples, you'd be surprised by how many recipes call for them! Cloves can be found in both whole and ground forms and are commonly used to season meat, add flavor to hot tea or spice up delicious baked goods. As one of the main ingredients of gingerbread, cloves have a warmth to them that almost everyone loves. Use cloves in a sweet baked good like this Clove Orange Upside Down Cake. We're confident that this spice will quickly earn its way on your spice rack.


Spice Guide: A List of Spices to Always Have on Hand | Bob's Red Mill Blog Cumin is a spice that is talked about often, especially when discussing curry powder. It's native to Asia, Africa and Europe and used around the world to boost the flavor of meals. Usually bought in the form of whole dried seeds or as a ground powder, cumin is used in several spice blends. Curious about how you can use cumin? Add it to a tasty recipe like this Quinoa Salad with Jalapeno Honey Dressing. This salad uses cumin to add flavor to its already zesty dressing and is packed with plant-based protein and veggies. Made in just 15 minutes, it's the perfect recipe to make if you're new to cooking with spices. We hope that this list complete spice guide has inspired you to add a little more interest to your homemade meals. By keeping your pantry stocked with just a few of these spices, you can create new and flavorful meals that everyone will love. Remember, having a spice-filled pantry doesn't mean that you need dozens of spices. Begin your spice collection by incorporating a few of these spices into your weekly recipes. From there, you can decide which spices are your favorite and continue to fill your spice rack with those that you enjoy! Have a favorite spice that is not on this list? Let us know what it is in the comment below! And from everyone at Bob's Red Mill, happy baking!  
Bob's Red Mill
April 30 2020
