Mindless eating can lead to unhealthy habits. However, mastering mindful eating is more of an art than an exact science, therefore it is important to practice. Not only does paying attention to what you eat, when you eat it, as well as where and how you eat it increase your overall enjoyment of your food, it may also help you keep a handle on over-indulging and improve your bodys ability to digest your meals, among other benefits. You can manage your weight better and help combat the unhealthy habit of binge eating.
Tips for Eating Mindfully
There are a number of things you can do to help you practice eating more mindfully. Even just implementing a few of these tips would be helpful in your journey to wellness and creating a healthy relationship with food.
Consider Your Food
Try thinking about where your food comes from. In the age of convenience, most of us rarely consider such things, beyond purchasing an item at the local grocery store. Rarely do we stop to think about where that food item originated or how many people played a role in producing it and making it ready for your consumption. Sometimes just pondering a family recipe youre sitting down to eat and reflecting on how many generations its been handed down can give you a new appreciation for what you put in your mouth.
Avoid Multitasking
Distractions are rampant, especially during mealtimes. Movies, books, screen time, office paperwork . . . trying to multitask is a sure way to fail at eating mindfully. By giving your attention to something other than your food and the company you may be sharing it with, youre messing with your ability to properly interpret your bodys signals. You may miss cues letting you know youve had enough and before you know it, youll be groaning in misery because you ate more than you intended without even realizing it.
Stop Eating When Youre Full
Seems like it would be common sense, but so many people eat simply because its part of their routine instead of because they are actually hungry. There is no one forcing you to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your schedule is your own. Eat when your body prompts you its time, and push that plate away when your body announces its had enough. Listening to your hunger and satiety cues is a vital part of eating with mindfulness.
Ponder Your Plate
Think about the nutritional benefit of your food. Think about whether youre eating it out of some kind of emotional need, or whether youre eating it because you know its healthy and good fuel for your body. Make sure youre buying plenty of fresh and colorful produce to incorporate into your meals and ditch any unhealthy inclinations for processed foods. Assess how much of your plate is carbs, protein and fat, and make sure youre eating enough of each to suit your lifestyle.
Relish Every Bite
A great meal should be enjoyed. You cant enjoy it if youre scarfing it down so fast you barely taste it. Practice eating slowly and chewing your food completely. A good rule of thumb to aim for is completing your meal in twenty minutes and not a second earlier. After each bite, stop, put your fork down and take a moment to reflect on the flavors and textures, what you like about them, what you may not like. You can also try counting to 10 between bites to help you learn to pace your meal and take a few seconds to appreciate the delicious aromas!
Subscribe to the Law of Diminishing Pleasure
Doctor and author Rick Kausman recommends giving each bite of your meal a rating on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most pleasurable. He posits that most will find that their pleasure in the food drops significantly after the first few bites. Once your rating of each mouthful begins to drop, thats your signal to stop eating. Theres not much point in continuing to eat something thats not bringing you pleasure and satisfaction. You can also try this trick with snacking as well. You may find you put that bag of candy away a lot sooner, saving yourself hundreds of calories or more over the length of the day. With a little practice and commitment, you can change your habits from eating without thought or regard for your food to mastering the fine art of eating mindfully. Not only will you enjoy your meals more than ever, but you may also pave the way for improved health and wellness.