Influencer Spotlight on Maria Koutsogianis

Influencer Spotlight on Maria Koutsogianis

Todays spotlight is on foodie blogger and influencer Maria Koutsogianis. Maria runs the blog and has a burning passion not only to change the way people eat, but also to change the way they think about and relate to food. She also wants to change how people think about fitness and exercise, and how they view this world we all inhabit together. Her blog is chock full of delicious, plant-based, vegan and vegetarian recipes, along with meal planning ideas for people that want to eat better but simply dont know where to start. Her blog and ideals are centered around the singular idea that we either eat to feed disease or we eat to fight disease. She firmly believes food is the answer when it comes to better health, better fitness and a healthy, more positive emotional life, if we can only take the time to slow down. We need to eat food that is good for us, that fuels us and sustains us, and stop merely consuming food that is convenient and easy. Thats a tall order, we know, especially in todays world of busy-ness. You may think its tough to find healthy foods that are quick and nutritious, and even tougher to find foods that are quick, nutritious and dont break the bank! Another thing we love about is the fact that her blog is so visually appealing. Maria uses beautiful photography to emphasize generous doses of wisdom and inspiration, written for those like her who may be embarking on a path of recovery and healing. If youre a food groupie like us (and we think you are) and you want to continue to eat or begin eating a plant-based diet, rife with foods that are living and nourishing and could possibly transform your life . . . youve got to start following Maria. Follow her on her blog and on her beautiful Instagram that totally makes us hungry. In the meantime, keep reading for a short interview with Maria herself. Influencer Spotlight on Maria Koutsogianis | Bob's Red Mill

How did you become an influencer/blogger?

It came from my passion for food and my struggle with understanding the ingredients I was eating. FoodByMaria was born to help others struggling with the same issues, and that is when I came up with my motto, Fear not. Food is your friend.

What started your journey into health?

It began during my struggle with bulimia. I started FoodByMaria as a means to document my eating habits and struggles while recovering from an eating disorder. FoodByMaria helped me through a very dark time in my life.

Do you follow a modified diet?

Yes. I follow a plant-based diet, dominated by living foods. Influencer Spotlight on Maria Koutsogianis | Bob's Red Mill

What is something most people don't know about you?

I have a Major in Accounting and Minor in Economics and Finance.

What is your favorite Bobs Red Mill product?

I love Bobs Red Mill Nutritional Yeast and Almond Meal.

What is your favorite Bobs Red Mill recipe?

My cinnamon buns. I make them using Bobs Red Mill all purpose flour and egg replacer.

Number one tip for finding time to cook and bake amidst a busy schedule?

Create a schedule, shop for groceries ahead of time, and prep all ingredients the morning or afternoon before.

Oats person or smoothie person?

Oats with chocolate and banana!

Any exciting announcements or plans for your Instagram or blog this year?

Yes, there's a big one coming, so stay tuned. We are also re-doing our website so that will be amazing, too. Influencer Spotlight on Maria Koutsogianis | Bob's Red Mill

Who are some of your favorite influencers?

Shut the Kale Up, Emily Skye, and Jenna Kutcher.

What do you like to do when you aren't working on recipe creation?

Thinking about creating a recipe, shopping for plants, taking photos, or relaxing while watching Netflix.

Favorite season or holiday?


What is your top baking tip?

Just do it. It can be so complicated when we add that extra pressure on ourselves.

Three words to describe yourself?

Driven. Passionate. Outgoing.

Quinoa or rice?

BOTH! Don't make me choose :)

Favorite food brands?

Yves Veggie Cuisine. There you have it. Plant-based food blogger Maria Koutsogianis from Follow her on Instagram, follow her blog and follow her advice and recipes in the kitchen to make all the yummy, healthy things!   *Follow Maria at the links below! IG: Blog:
Bob's Red Mill
February 21 2019
