How to Build a Layered Cake

How to Build a Layered Cake

Eager to test your baking skills and create a layered cake that will leave everyone in awe? We have you covered. With the right recipe and tips, creating a layered cake is, well, a piece of cake! To help make your cake dreams a reality, our Bob's Red Mill baking pros put together this complete guide on building a layered cake. Keep scrolling to get started.

Choose Your Recipe

Homemade white cake closeup on the leyers When it comes to building a layered cake that will hold put through the decorating process, it's crucial to choose a good recipe. While some store box varieties will suffice, we recommend making your cake mix from scratch. When selecting a cake recipe, seek out a cake that will bake up flat, hold moisture and remain firm. A recipe like this White Cake will provide you with the perfect base for your confectionary creation. If your cake doesn't bake as evenly as desired, don't stress. You can quickly level your cake using a cake leveler or a long serrated knife to skim the uneven sections off the top.

Press Your Cake

Once your cake has finished baking, it's time to press it! To do so, take a clean towel and lay it atop your freshly baked cake. Press gently and evenly to level out your cake in all directions. Do this to each layer of your cake, and make sure they are all the same height.

Chill Cake Layers Before Assembling

To keep your cake from cracking during the decorating process, make sure all layers are fully chilled before assembling them. Working with a well-chilled or partially frozen cake is ideal and will prevent pieces of your cake from cracking off.

Use Frosting Wisely

Crepe cake decoration When it comes to frosting your cake, be mindful of the amount used. Too much frosting can cause layers to slip; too little and your cake layers might crack when moved. Take a look at the thickness of your cake layers and determine how thick you'd like your frosting to be. Next, use an appropriate amount of frosting and make sure it is evenly spread over all sections of the cake.

Apply Your Cake Layers in Order

When it comes to layering your cake, it's crucial that you follow a specific order. First, start your cake layering by placing your cake on the cake stand. Doing so will provide your dessert with a strong base, steady enough to hold up the other layers. It will also remove the need to move the bottom layer later on, which may result in cracking. Once the bottom layer is placed on the cake stand, use a spatula to cover it with an even layer of frosting, then place the next layer on top. To ensure that you've added enough frosting in between layers, check to ensure that a small amount of frosting has spilled out the sides. The overflow of frosting will ensure your layers have enough hold to remain put. Repeat this process for each layer until you've added the last one.

Apply a Crumb Coat

Homemade cinnamon streusel coffee cake After your layers are stacked, it's time to apply a crumb coat. A crumb coat is a thin layer of frosting that you apply to the cake before decorating it. This coat ensures that all crumbs are sealed in and helps even out frosting that may have spilled out while layering. Using a crumb coat gives you an extra opportunity to realign your cake layers and make sure your dessert is not drifting to one side.

Allow Cake to Chill

Once the crumb coat has been applied, chill your cake for at least 15-20 minutes before proceeding to decorate it. This will give you dessert time to set and allow the frosting to set in place.

Decorate the Cake

Now that your cake has had time to chill, begin decorating it by putting a smooth layer of frosting on. This is done in a similar way to the crumb coat. Use a spatula to first apply a layer of frosting to the top of the cake and pull it down over the sides. Smooth out the sides and make sure the cake is evenly covered before adding any additional cake decorations. Now that you've built your first layered cake, you may notice some areas of improvement. If that's the case, don't stress. With a bit more practice, you can quickly build your layering and spatula skills to ensure that each layer cake you make from here on out is better than the previous one. Before making your next layered dessert, read through this article and ensure that you have all the necessary tools and ingredients needed to make the cake of your dreams. Then refer back to it when you need a bit of extra guidance. We can't wait to hear about the wonderful recipes you come up with! From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, happy baking!  
Bob's Red Mill
April 27 2021
