How Did Bob Moore Get His Hats?

How Did Bob Moore Get His Hats?

Bob's Red Mill Bob Moore HatsDid you know that in 2023, Bob's Red Mill celebrates 45 years of whole grain goodness, and the nonprofit Oldways marks the 20th anniversary of their first Whole Grains Council meeting? In honor of these landmark occasions, Oldways and WGC President Sara Baer-Sinnott did an in-depth interview with Bob. But we also wanted to highlight this tidbit from their talk below, when a question about the BRM logo led to the inside story of how our own Bob Moore came to be known for his many hats! Sara Baer-Sinnott: Tell me, how did the logo come about? Its so iconic on your packages. Bob Moore: When we first started the mill, we had this old wooden mill building. I had been in business for many years, in mechanics and electronics, different things like that. But when youre making food for people, theres a certain responsibility that you should feel, and I did feel. I wanted the public to know who it was that made this product. So, I thought that its important to have a picture of me on the front, and my name. I made up a label where I had an apron on, I thought I looked pretty cool. Well, what you see now is kind of a take-off of that. I had some cancer on my forehead, and my dermatologist insisted that I always wear a hat so that the sun wouldnt make the cancer even worse. So, for probably 30 or 40 years now, I have been known to have a hat on my head! See Bob in his many hats, below! Anyone who's met Bob over the past few decades would agree: it's hard to picture him without his hat! Now we know it's not just for fashion, it's also smart sun protection. Stay tuned for more fun facts about Bob, and our video of the Oldways Whole Grains Council crowning Bob as their Whole Grain King!  
Elisabeth Allie
March 06 2023
