Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits

New Year, New Me: How to Make Healthy Eating Habits Stick

Its that time of year again. You know, that time of year where all the promises we made to ourselves about eating healthier last year come to die. And of course, we feel guilty because we didnt keep those promises, so we fervently vow new ones for the New Year, fully intending that this is the year we will finally make them stick. But . . . Christmas! And Thanksgiving! And Halloween! And, and, and . . . ! Cultivating healthy eating habits is hard, friends. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Thankfully, it doesnt have to be as hard as we make it. Here are a few tips to help you make healthy new eating habits that stick through the coming New Year, without feeling deprived and hangry all year long.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Healthy Eating Habits | Bob's Red Mill Every lasting change comes with a mindset shift. You have to believe in yourself and believe that you can and will succeed. If you dont, youve already lost the battle. Its tough battling gloomy thoughts when we are surrounded by so much negativity in the world. But your thoughts are the only real thing in this world that you can control, so its important that you begin choosing thoughts that serve you and your health goals. Replace unhealthy thoughts with ones that honor you and where youre at in your journey. Stop telling yourself you cant and begin reminding yourself that you can. Even if positive thoughts feel awkward or a little insincere at first, keep repeating them to yourself, because the more you focus on something, the more you will begin to believe it. All lasting change starts with our belief systems. Believe you can change your life and your health and believe that you are, indeed, worth the fight.

Get Specific and Realistic

Healthy Eating Habits | Bob's Red Mill Dont set goals that are so far out of your reach that you know you wont hit them. Set goals that are reasonable and realistic. Start small and make incremental changes in your eating habits. Make sure you write down your goals so that you remember them and keep them somewhere that you see them often. The things we think about expand, so if your thoughts are on where you want to go, your mind will move you toward that goal, whether you realize its happening or not. Dont vow to lose 50 pounds; instead, work toward losing 1-2 pounds a week. Dont vow to cut out all bread, sugar and carbs; choose one and start there. Or make a promise to incorporate at least one new veggie into your meal plan rotation each week. Small goals move you forward slowly but surely and dont feel like culture shock, so youre more inclined to keep them and turn them into healthy eating habits.

Keep a Diary

Healthy Eating Habits | Bob's Red Mill Its important to keep track of your progress when implementing new changes in your eating habits. Record things like how you feel when you eat certain foods, what youre putting in your mouth, and whether or not youre moving closer to your goal or further away from it. Use your diary to help you keep track of your successes and reward yourself for them. Its very easy to succumb to poor eating habits, so keep yourself motivated by congratulating yourself for small victories. Just foster healthy habits and make the reward something that isnt related to food. One final tip is dont force yourself to eat foods you dislike. Choose foods that appeal to your palate but also offer more health benefits than a plate of fries. Here are two recipes to consider that we personally think are absolutely delicious. Youll barely even notice they are good for you, too.

BBQ Quinoa Salad

Healthy Eating Habits | Bob's Red Mill Sometimes a salad is all you need. This one happens to be amazing for potlucks and picnics, with flavors of BBQ, fresh corn on the cob and red cabbage. Cilantro adds some zing and you can even add fresh tomatoes or zucchini squash to really liven up this dish. We use our own tricolor quinoa for protein and flavor, making it perfect for vegans and non-vegans alike.

Smoked Salmon, Spelt and Spring Greens Tart

Healthy Eating Habits | Bob's Red Mill When youre in the mood for something thats light but not quite a salad, try this elegant and delicious tart instead. We use organic spelt flour and unbleached white all-purpose flour for the crust, and organic spelt berries in the filling. Spelt is an ancient grain with a nutty flavor and loads of nutrition, which makes this dish good for you and more filling than you might think. Serve this tart warm, just a little above room temp, and enjoy. With the right attitude and consistent, realistic goals, you can make this year the year you create new, healthier habits and feel great!
Bob's Red Mill
December 27 2018
