Gluten Free Almond and Berry Crostata

Gluten Free Almond and Berry Crostata

Today we're excited to share this Gluten Free Almond and Berry Crostata recipe from Billy Parisi. It uses our Almond Flour and Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flourand is a perfect way to showcase the first crop of berries that show up in the market. Enjoy! I love the changing of the seasons and not just because we push into nicer weather come spring, but also because fresh produce changes. The root vegetables, apples and pears begin to move to the back as fresh berries and stone fruits begin to motion to front and center. I love every season because the produce is so unique, but Id be lying if I said I didnt like spring and summer veggies and fruits the most. I have such amazing memories as a child of picking and eating fresh raspberries in Michigan. I love being able to make fresh peach cobblers and berry tarts, I mean there is nothing more gorgeous than these vibrant colors that flow through a delicious dessert, kind of like this Gluten Free Almond and Berry Crostata Recipe. Dont you love when you make a gluten-free dessert and you think to yourself, wow I couldnt even tell that this was gluten-free, or I like this better than the gluten version. Now, Im not gluten-free but I do have family members that are, so I try to be mindful of them when making desserts, plus it gives me the opportunity to experiment. One of my favorite things to make are galettes, or as we call them now, crostatas. Crostatas are very easy to make with no uniformity as it relates to shape or size there is really no way to mess this up. If I had to guess crostatas were made with leftover pie dough or if people didnt have a pie tin to cook and they simply rolled it out, stuffed it with fruit and flipped up the sides. Its not an overly beautiful dessert but dang is it tasty! I almost prefer crostatas over pies these days because there is more crust, and to me thats the best part of any pie! I used Bobs Red Mill Almond Flour and Gluten-Free 1 to 1 Baking Flour to help make the crust in this berry crostata. To make the crust we simply swap out a basic pie dough recipe with 2 to 1 gluten-free baking flour to almond flour. For example, if a recipe calls for 3 cups of flour then we swap out with 2 cups of gluten-free flour and 1 cup of almond flour. From there the process stays the exact same. I will say that you need to be a little more gentle with gluten-free pie dough because its fragile and tears easily to be sure to move it with caution. As soon as I took a bite of this berry crostata I looked at my wife and we both immediately agreed that we liked this way more than a normal gluten version. The almonds in the crust compliment the berries so well that its as if it was perfectly meant to be. This crostata is so tasty and so easy to make that its a no brainer if you are looking for a last second dessert!

Gluten Free Almond and Berry Crostata Recipe

For the Crust: For the Filling:
  • 1 1/3 cups each fresh blackberries, blueberries and raspberries
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • cups of sugar + more for garnish
  • cup of melted unsalted butter
Makes 1 crostata Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 35-40 minutes Procedures:
  1. Preheat the oven to 375.
  2. Crust: Add the flours, butter, sugar and salt to a food processor and process on high until the butter is the size of small rice.
  3. Next, add in the egg white and process on high speed while slowly drizzling in the water until the dough begins to come together.
  4. Transfer the dough onto a clean surface dusted with either almond flour or gluten free 1 to 1 flour and form into a ball. Chill for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. While the dough is chilling toss the berries into a bowl along with the lemon juice and sugar and mix until combined. Set aside.
  6. Next, roll the dough into a circle on a clean surface dusted with either almond flour or gluten free 1 to 1 flour using a rolling pin until it is about inch thick or about 14-16 inches in diameter.
  7. Transfer the dough onto a sheet tray lined with parchment paper and pour the berries into the center of the dough.
  8. Fold up the dough to the center the berries all the way around the dough so that the berries are enclosed but open at the center.
  9. Brush the dough with melted butter and sprinkle on sugar over top.
  10. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown and firm. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

Hello, ImBilly Parisi, but to some Im known as Chef Billy Parisi. I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but for the most part Im aFood & Content Creator, Sometimes TV Host, Digital and Social Strategist, Influencer, Picture Taker, Coffee Drinker, Daddy, Husband, College Sports Enthusiast, Fashionisto, Film & MusicLover!

Ive been in the kitchen since I started washing dishes in a restaurant at the age of 13, and during that time I knew immediately that I wanted to be a chef. I graduated from Arizonas Scottsdale Culinary Institute and the University of Missouri, and have logged several years as line cook, souschef, and executive in some of the Midwests finest restaurants. I currently live in the city of Chicago with my wife Lindsay and daughter Olivia and cook up new inventions, mash-ups, fusions and twists on old classics. Im incredibly spontaneous and outgoing, and run 2 small businesses BPMVC, and my latest venture 5 Loaves 2 Fish!

Bob's Red Mill
April 20 2018
