Chocolate Quinoa Pudding

Chocolate Quinoa Pudding

When youre diagnosed with food intolerances, I wont lie . . . you can get a little bummed out. The hardest part is saying goodbye to the foods you love. At first, its a complete shock and you get pretty angry. Then the why me and how am I going to survive without this kicks in. After a mourning period and lots of boohoos, you start to get proactive. The creative juices start to flow and you start to use products and ingredients in completely different ways. This whole thought process started for me recently when a dear friend of mine had lactose intolerance creep back into her life again. Shes been working hard to increase her protein intake in order to enhance a new workout routine shes been working on. Greek yogurt happens to be a favorite of hers (it used to be mine too). Sadly, the dairy and lactose free yogurts dont have the protein that the beloved Greek yogurt has. Now, this recipe is nothing like yogurt, but it is full of amazing quality protein and probiotics!!! The quinoa is an incredible source of iron, and its a complete protein. The chocolate protein powder offers more protein, more iron, a healthy amount of omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and oh, so much deliciousness! This recipe works with any flavor of protein powder and its really tasty with fresh berries too! Also, I used red quinoa in this recipe, but if you use vanilla protein powder, use regular quinoa so it doesnt change the color.

Quinoa Chocolate Pudding

Makes 2 cups
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1/2 cup Red Quinoa
  • 2/3 cup Chocolate Protein Powder
  • 3/4 cup Vanilla or Chocolate Milk of your choice
  • 24 drops Vanilla or Chocolate Stevia, optional for a sweeter treat
Cook the quinoa according to package directions. Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until pureed. Serve chilled. Sarena Shasteen has been an avid health food and fitness enthusiast from an early age. She holds a degree in Culinary Arts from The Art Institute of Atlanta, a certification in Fitness Nutrition, and is a certified Fitness Trainer from International Sport Science Association (ISSA). Becoming a Personal Trainer and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition has been a lifelong goal of hers. Sarena enjoys helping others reach their health goals by teaching them that health and fitness are not only achieved in the gym, but also through fun everyday activities. Now a food writer, recipe developer, personal chef, Personal Trainer, and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, she enjoys sharing with others that healthy living can be fun and delicious. Keep up with her atThe-Non Dairy Queenand onFacebookandTwitter.
Sarena Shasteen
February 06 2017
