Basic Bean Information

Basic Bean Information

Prep time
Cook time
Passive time


How To Cook Beans Properly For Good Digestion
  1. Measure the amount of beans (peas/legumes) required and sort through them and remove any misshapen, discolored or damaged beans, dirt balls, gravel or other foreign objects.
  2. Soak 1 cup of dry beans in 3-4 cups of cool or room temperature water and let the beans soak 8 hours or more uncovered. Soak chick-peas 12 hours or more and soak soybeans 24 hours. Avoid using soybeans as they usually require a pressure cooker.
  3. Important: throw away the water the beans soaked in. This soaking water contains a gas released by the beans while soaking, which in turn will give you gas.
  4. Rinse the beans several times and swish them around in fresh water.
  5. Put the beans in a large pot so that beans fill only about half of the pot and add fresh water until the beans are covered by 1" or so of water.
  6. Bring the beans and water, uncovered, to a boil on high heat.
  7. When the beans are boiling, a white foam or froth will generally form on top. Scoop this off and discard it. This is part of what contributes to gas.
  8. Add extra water if needed so the beans are still at least 1" under water and turn the heat down to very low, just low enough so the beans are barely bubbling. They cook best at this temperature.
  9. Cook for 1-1/4 hours or more until the beans are very tender and a bean can easily be mashed with the tongue on the roof of the mouth.

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