Ah, the holiday season--that time of year when baked goods abound and we get to really indulge, feeling very little guilt because, after all, we are celebrating! While the humans sweet teeth are taken care of, lets not forget about our furry, four-legged canine friends too!
Sarah House, our food innovation chef, has developed a lovely recipe featuring Bobs Red Mill whole grains to give your pup a little something special this holiday. Perfect for stocking stuffers or for rewarding good behavior during the holiday party, these treats from Bobs Red Mill are sure to please your pups (oh-so-discerning) palate.
Here are BRM pups Fergus (the Bassett Hound) and Evey (the lab mix) begging for their doggie treats from Aunt Sarah:

On the left we have a great action shot of Fergus using his Bassett sniffer to locate the rest of his treats on the counter. Good thing his legs are so short!
Tell us how much your pup loved these treats below and share a photo on Instagram (tag #bobsredmill so we can see!)
Happy holiday to you and your pups!
Dog Bones
By Sarah House for Bobs Red Mill Natural Foods
Prep Time: 20 minutes | Bake Time: 20-25 minutes | Rest Time: 30 minutes
Yield: about 30 pieces, depending on size
Step 1
Preheat oven to 325F; line a baking pan with parchment paper.
Step 2
In a medium bowl, combine farina, flours, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, oats, and dried apples.
Step 3
In a large bowl, whisk together water or broth, peanut butter, eggs, and molasses until smooth. Add dry mixture and carrots and mix until combined.
Step 4
Roll out to -inch thickness on a lightly floured surface and cut into desired shapes.
Step 5
Place 1 inch apart on the prepared baking pan and bake until dry, 20-25 minutes. Let cool completely before serving. Store in an air tight container.