The holidays are fast approaching, and with it, all the dietary potholes that are waiting to be stepped into by those of us attempting to consume more health-conscious meals. This is a season when many tend to overindulge. We tell ourselves we will renew our commitment to healthy eating after the New Year, but what if we could choose health-conscious options beforehand and live a healthy lifestyle all year round? How do you do that when cookies, candy, and other delectable holiday treats seem to be everywhere you turn, and hearty, rich staples likemashed potatoes, biscuits,cornbread, andturkey stuffing are all there just waiting for you to indulge? You do it by paying attention and planning ahead. That's why it's important during the holidays to be mindful of everything that you eat, and let hunger, true hunger, make your eating decisions, rather than nostalgic emotions. Keep in mind, there are many classic recipes you can still enjoy and modify!With that said, here are a few tips to help you get through the holiday season while still staying on track with your health goals. We promise its not as painful as you might think.
Listen to Your Body
Our bodies like to trick us into thinking we are hungry (especially with the high amount of carbs common in diets today) when we are only bored, tired, or perhaps even upset. Rarely do we eat because of true hunger, more often we eat to indulge in a craving or to soothe an emotion.But by taking a few minutes to ask yourself if you're hungry before eating that last serving of cornbread casserole, or taking a moment to ask yourself after eating your meal whether you feel satisfied, can help you to avoid many instances of overindulgence.
Keep Recipes Simple
Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to trying to stick to a particular way of eating. Make dishes that don't require too many ingredients, because in many cases the simpler the dish, the healthier it will be. If a recipe has become overly complicated, you have probably added more ingredients than it really needs, and by extension more things than your body really needs.
Substitute Common Ingredients
Sometimes, you can substitute common ingredients for more healthy options when making a dish. This is helpful whether you are making something sweet for dessert, or something savory as a snack or main dish. You can sub out regularall purpose flour forpaleo friendly flour, or, if you are sensitive to gluten, you can usegluten-free 1-to-1 baking flour. You can substitute applesauce or coconut oil in place of inflammatory veggie oils, and you can use substitutions likeunsweetened almond milk to replace dairy if you are lactose intolerant.
Plan Meals and Gathering in Advance
A little planning can go a long way in helping you to stick to your food goals. You can plan holiday meals and treats out ahead of time so that you know what you will be eating and when. You can also meal prep, and make snacks for when you're on the go that fit within your diet and will keep you from going overboard when holiday food is laid out in front of you. If you're already full of all those healthy options you planned ahead of time, you won't leave any room to overindulge with something that doesn't fit your program.
Never Shop Hungry
You may have heard the advice before to never shop on empty stomach, and frankly, never have more truer words been spoken! Eat at least a snack, or even a meal beforehand, but whatever you do, don't step foot in a grocery aisle without having your hunger under control. When youre hungry, it will only lead to impulse shopping and making poor food choices.
Bring Your Own Food
Sometimes, if you are attending a gathering at someone else's home, it can be harder to stick to a specific diet. Someone else's food may not always be friendly to your goals. However, the beauty of the holidays is you can bring your own dish as a gift for everyone to enjoy, and in the process, ensure that you have something diet-friendly to munch on while youre there. Sneaky, huh?As you can see, there are ways to handle the holidays and still stick to a healthier way of eating. It doesn't matter how many parties or get-togethers are on the agenda, with some pre-planning and with a few easy substitutions, you can enjoy a health-conscious holiday with no regret or feelings of self-deprivation.