There is a lot of back and forth in the health and nutrition world on just about everything. But breakfast seems to be the one meal of the day most agree shouldnt be missed, for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, it is a meal that is often skipped or laden with unhealthy fast food because many people today are just too busy to cook a proper meal in the morning. So they look to foods they can eat on the go, and in many cases, those convenient foods are full of unhealthy ingredients, excess calories, and sugar--and provide very little in the way of nutrition and sustained energy.We know making a quick breakfast that is also nutritious can be difficult, which is why we have created convenient breakfast cups to fuel you for your day. Not only are they packed with fiber and protein, but they are also a delicious substitution for your smoothie or granola bar! In this article, we will dive into a few of the core benefits of breakfast before sharing more about our favorite on-the-go option!
Breakfast Gives You Energy
When you eat breakfast in the morning, you can help increase energy, curb your appetite, and reduce cravings through the rest of your day, provided you eat something that is healthy and nutritious. You need a breakfast that is loaded with nutrients and fiber, as well as a nice balance of healthy fats and protein. Plus, if you eat a large breakfast you give your body the fuel it needs (and you have all day to digest it!)
Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight
There have been numerous studies that show people who eat breakfast seem to reduce the risk of high BMI numbers and incidences of obesity. In other words, by eating less and reducing your overall appetite because you chose to eat a healthy breakfast, you may lose a few pounds in the process!
Breakfast Feeds Your Brain
A quality and nutritious breakfast feeds your brain everything it needs to function optimally. This means you can improve your focus, memory, and concentration levels just by eating breakfast. You may also reduce stress and improve your mood. Isnt eating breakfast looking more and more attractive by the minute? We think so!
Breakfast May Help Prevent Disease
In particular, you may help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 30% if you eat a nutritious breakfast on the daily. It is thought that when people skip breakfast, it may increase their resistance to insulin. Additionally, eating breakfast every day with nutrients that support your health may also help lower your levels of cholesterol. So eating breakfast each day may keep the doctor away!
Breakfast Fuels Your Body
Finally, eating breakfast helps your body perform at its best. Not only does breakfast help give you strength, it also improves your endurance, especially if you engage in physical activity every day. Starting off your day with a filling and nutritious breakfast will keep you focused, support regular body functionality, and help you stay energized throughout the day- whether that be in the office or at the gym!
Why Breakfast Cups Can Kick Start Your Morning
As you can see, there are several benefits to eating a good breakfast each morning. And breakfast cups are a perfect way to get all that nutritional goodness in without sacrificing your health by succumbing to fast food or skipping meals. Muesli and oatmeal are both rich sources of minerals and nutrients that are vital for good health. They come loaded with things like protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, beta glucans, and fiber, along with other nutrients that support your body and give you energy. Plus, when you add in extra ingredients like fruit, nuts, and seeds like chia and flax, and mix them with things like milk or yogurt, you get even more nutritional benefits.One of our favorite breakfast cups to go is this gluten free hazelnut and blueberry oatmeal cup. Its made from rolled oats and Scottish oats, along with hazelnuts and dried blueberries. Plus, its ready in less than five minutes: either add hot water and let stand or add cold water and microwave. You can also prepare it like overnight oats, yum! Another fave is this organic fruit and seed oatmeal cup, made of rolled and stone ground oats, chia and flax seeds, and delicious fruit. Yum!If you prefer muesli, try this gluten free tropical muesli breakfast cup with gluten free muesli grains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, or try this Old Country style muesli inspired by Europe. You can eat this one hot or cold and mix it with milk or yogurt. Another popular way to eat it is the Swiss way, by mixing it with grated apple and yogurt and allowing it to sit in the fridge for the night to soak. When you wake up and are ready to eat, you have a delicious and healthy breakfast ready and waiting.Bobs Red Mill breakfast cups are the perfect solution for your busy mornings. With eight delicious flavors to choose from, you can switch it up and still be satisfied each and every day. Best of all, these oatmeal cups are zero fuss. Try keeping them in your car or in your office drawer and have a wholesome meal on hand at all times. With these versatile breakfast cups, you can set yourself up for success and be confident that you are having a nutritious and delicious meal to start off your day. In our opinion, that makes them the perfect wingman for any day!Whatever your schedule looks like, never discount the value a healthy breakfast can provide, even if its breakfast on the go. And with nutrient-packed breakfast cups like these, you never have to sacrifice your health for the sake of convenience. You really can have the best of both worlds, at least when it comes to eating breakfast.